Here are 10 unforgettable moments from our Ten Year Anniversary 😇❤️
1. Head of Dairy, Iestyn, enjoying the celebrations!

2. Cake and goodies for the team! Even gut health experts deserve a treat 😉
Remember the 80/20 rule – eat as healthily as possible 80% of the time, and enjoy a treat (or two) the remaining 20% of the time!

3. A beautiful rainbow over CGHQ, perfectly timed for the special day 🥹

4. The number of parcels packed by our incredible packing team – wow📦💪

5. Of course, Flowella had to take part in the celebrations 🥰🐐

6. The decorations in the canteen 🥳

7. Bella, Hanna, Meg, Donna, Ellie, Jordan, and Emily getting stuck into TikTok’s and social content!

8. Dynamic duo, Siri and Keith, getting orders packed 👏

9. Chuckling Goat teddies and a chocolate cake, what more could you ask for?!

10. Our newest team member in the packing department absolutely smashing a busy few days – goooooo, Bella 😍

Want to meet the amazing individuals behind Chuckling Goat? Check out Meet the Team: Episode 1😇✨
Chuckling Goat, ten years old?! Shann makes sense of it all HERE ❤️
Any questions? Contact one of our Nutritional Therapists via live chat, weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm.