Earlier this year, we launched our Random Acts of Kindness Campaign ✨Aiming to deepen connections within our community, we’ve been donating CG skincare goodies on a monthly basis, starting with local charities and organisations that have a personal meaning to our team.
RAY Ceredigion provides activities that support the health and well-being of people of all ages and abilities across Ceredigion, focusing on those who are most vulnerable or disadvantaged. All activities come from grassroots consultations and respond to local needs.
The RAY Forget Me Knot dementia support group is a friendly, welcoming, safe space for those with dementia and their carers. RAY organise and hold fun, family-friendly events encouraging learning through play and getting families together!
Thank you for providing such an amazing, safe, fun space/event for those in need within our communities!
If you’d like to support their work, volunteer with some of their activities, participate in activities or attend a training opportunity, get in touch here – https://rayceredigion.org.uk/volunteer-with-ray/ to learn more.
Do you know someone who deserves a Random Act of Kindness? A group of people who work tirelessly to help others? Anyone who selflessly labours day after day to make things better, without ever really getting seen or rewarded?
If you’d like to nominate someone, please send us an email to [email protected] with “Random Acts of Kindness” in the subject line!
You can read more about our Random Acts of Kindness Campaign here.
Questions? Feel free to contact us on live chat (weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm) to speak to one of our nutritional therapists.